Thursday, 19 September 2024


Hi Woodsy! Your lovely Daleks Blaster project reminded me of a recent project I worked on.

As a bit of a Horror fan yourself, you might appreciate this too!

My swansong in the fillum industry was Alien:Covenant as an ailment made working in a standard movie studio impossible. I got to make a bunch of background musical instrument props for David's Laboratory, which I was able to do from the comfort of my Mountain Hideout. 

The brief was a final reckoning with what the role of Prop Maker has become in today's mechanised production process. I received a sheaf of photo-realistic full colour renderings of what was required. There was no collaboration required, so my only joy in the job was producing objects that were absolutely identical to the illustrations!

Sadly when seen on screen, my final efforts were just out of focus blobs!

Anyway, this is just back story to a much more interesting tale.
How I got to design a monster (and some water pistols!) for the TikTok Horror series Greystanes...


  1. Beautiful work Looey. I got the book of David's drawings, which has a lot of set photography in it as well, which shows the level of detail in the workshop set, but sadly as you say all your hard work is in the background on screen. The overall effect is amazing, but it would have been great to see some of these things close up. You don't even get to see the flute that David plays close up. I don't do social media, so I'm not familiar with Greystanes either! Bill

  2. I especially love those ocarina type instruments at the front right, they look like they would make a wonderful sound - and knowing your level of craftsmanship Looey - I bet they do! Bill

  3. Superb work Looey. Inspiring stuff. Like anthropological finds.
