Friday 13 September 2024


Woodsy and Fellow Moonbasers,

I believe it was a few weeks ago water pistol's were featured on the blog - which got me to thinking. Water pistols are not a part of my normal collecting but there were about three - maybe four - types I remember fondly as a kid and it would be fun to add those. 

Fortunately, even vintage squirt guns don't cost that much so the hunt was on for my very best favorite type - the German Luger! 

I always loved these Luger's as a kid and had two or three. However, it always seemed that no matter what type or what brand of squirt gun I owned, they always broke - and quite easily I may add! 

As a result, whenever we went to the store to look for a replacement, we picked up whatever type of pistol the store had, resulting in a variety of squirt guns over the years. Still, the Luger remains my favorite.

I found this header card Luger on fleaBay and after putting it on watch, after a couple of days the seller responded with a lower price offer and I snatched it up! - Yay! It's not enough to keep me cool in 110°F heat so I think it'll just stay in the package! LOL

From Vegas Base


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand9/13/2024 6:00 am

    A great looking toy, and bagged. By dear old Palmer Plastics, Brooklyn, New York.

    1. Thanx Paul! It's a welcome addition to my rack toys collection

  2. Ha! Paul Adams beat me to it! Palmer also released some very cool plastic model kits, several of which I had back in the day. Great catch, great graphics, great toy! SFZ

    1. Thanx Zigg! I do not recall having Palmer kits as a kid. I did a quick search on the Internet and maybe recognized some things I may have seen in stores but just never bought.

  3. From the glory days of spies and secret agents! Fab find Ed!

    1. Thanx Woodsy! Before James Bond, this would've been THE pistol for a really cool spy to have!

    2. I had to chuckle today, sort of. We saw a huge truck on the motorway here. It had KGB Services along each side in huge letters! Blimey!

    3. Wellll, that's different! Have to wonder what it was hauling - dead spies? Luger's? microfilm? LOL
