Sunday 15 September 2024


 There are a few things that have only ever been seen once by us on Moonbase, as rare as the birthday cake you always wanted.

One of them is the beautiful Estrella tinplate space rifle, the Patrulha do Espaco, from 1969.

Seen once years ago online in Brazil courtesy of  the Brinquedos Raros sales site this old toy rifle is emblazoned with fabulous space art.

The graphics include the MEV2 on the rifle's stock, as featured on this blog's masthead!

..... together with a Booster Rocket on the box - both inspired or even lifted from Ed Valigursky's well-known space illustrations - along with Robbie the Robot and what looks like a Crater Critter maybe. 

I really like the box art and the central astronaut with the rifle is really well done. Overall its a gorgeous toy and box, the graphics used not dissimilar to one of Estrela's other space toys, Robocom, a tin TV robot, not quite as rare but almost, seen on Moonbase.

Searching for the rifle is made harder by the fact that a Brazilian rock band has the same name. I'm surprised they didn't use the box art for an album cover!

However, some new googling garnered some new pictures of this Brazilian!

From the seller's Facebook page, Brinquidos Raros, we can see more of this elusive gem!

What do you think?

Has anyone actually got one of these scarce treasures?


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand9/15/2024 9:55 am

    Wow, that is a knock-out, although pink gun barrels ? The robot on the box is not Robby the Robot from Forbidden Planet, but the Robot from Lost in Space. I watched a lot of Lost in Space over the years, and have it all on DVD.

    1. Ah, of course. Thanks Paul. Yes, Lost in Space. What a TV show.

  2. WOW! The Litho job on that stock is beyond belief! And I bet that round thing on the top made all sorts of a racket when firing, probably driving the grown-ups to the Tequila cabinet! SFZ

  3. What a gorgeous Hunk O' Tin! I used to see these on fleaBay but never got around to buying one.

    1. Yeah, I've seen this shape of tin rifle on fleabay Ed but never this particular space livery.
