Friday, 9 August 2024

George Vest

Having sorted a Leeds United kit for my Action Man I wanted a classic 1960's Man Utd kit, so I set about making one. 

See what you think.

I coloured two white glove shirts and pairs of socks, one with poster paint and the other red food dye.

The food dye, the best of the two reds, is still wet after a week hanging outside, so it's unusable.

The poster paint red dried overnight but is not the right red really.

As luck would have it I found an original Man United shirt in a vintage toy shop this week, so cheating a bit, I give you George Vest! 



  1. Pretty damn good Woodsy.
    Your red is close enough.

    1. Thanks Mish. It was fun trying. The bottom pics is the real Palitoy shirt.

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand8/09/2024 9:46 pm

    I would not worry too much about the shade of red. You can get fabric dyes, but would it be worth getting a packet for such a small job ? Still, you would have some on hand for next time.

    1. You're right Paul. I have however ordered some white Humbrol paint for my next job. Always need paint!

  3. Another masterclass in creativity, Woodsy. Great action poses on the pitch of nostalgia.

  4. Ha ha, thanks so much Tone. It was the icing on the cake to actually find the real shirt. Sometimes it's nice to have the proper stuff again!
