Saturday, 10 August 2024


 Someone put an anonymous comment on my previous AMT Enterprise build post asking what colours I used, so I thought I'd list what I personally found looked about right../

As I decided the kit looked a bit dull without a ceiling I chose to build a removable one with coloured lighting, which makes the kit look a bit like what we saw on screen.

For the wall colour and ceiling side sections I used Tamiya AS-20 Insignia White which is the same coulour I used for the upper hull on the AMT Shuttlecraft.

The soffit or underside of the lightbox above the controls I used Tamiya TS-81 Royal Light Gray, again the same colour I used for the lower hull of the Shuttlecraft.

For the monitor screen surround I used Halfords Polar Gray.

The chairs are a Tamiya light blue and black. The handrails are Tamiya gloss red. The red frieze around the base of the ceiling is matt red.

The centre of the floor is a ochre. The edge of the floor and the handrail supports are matt black, and the surrounding flooring is Halfords Shadow Black.

Hope that helps Anon.

My previous Enterprise bridge post.


  1. Lovely work Scoop.
    Now, if we could just get Kevin's Camberwick Green characters in there ...

    1. Brilliant! I've not done Star Trek ones, but I have done a Space 1999 Camberwick Green figure!

  2. Lovely job Scoop. It looks real!

  3. Amazing work! Hard to believe its that infamous ill-fitting AMT kit! SFZ

  4. Thanks for the comments guys. Tomorrow it's the Cromford event.
