Thursday 18 July 2024

Eager Beaver

Nursing a bloody awful summer cold I've spent a lot of time indoors this week. In between sneezing and coughing I've entertained myself making and fixing stuff.

First up was this old doggy ornament of my Sister's. It was missing tails and one ear. 

Some FIMO later and voila! New ear and tails. It can be returned to my Sis now.

Next on the bench was this old bagged German doll called Miriam. Her left leg was kaput.

Luckily all her broken parts were still in the bag, so with super glue to hand I was able to rebuild it.

Not Jamie Summers but it's a leg of sorts.

The shattered right foot is a work in progress. To add extra strength and surface to the rebuilt leg I brushed it twice with PVA.

Miriam is to be continued.

Next up was further whitening of my new Dinky Amphibious Coastguard. Pics to follow of this.

Finally I've been beavering away at another Action Man uniform, the Mountie, which I loved as a kid.

Finding the jacket at a boot sale was the spark to make a new one.

Some work on this you've already seen. Here's more behind the seams!

Blue velvet jodhpurs are done.

The Sangria hat is painted.

And a taster of what's next.

Leave it to Beaver!

Are you making anything readers?

Have you got a cold?


  1. Get well soon, Woodsy!

    Excellent repairs. Interesting choice of a plaque though - are you applying for Santa's workshop, returns dept. perhaps? They'd be glad to have you!

    1. Thanks Arto. 40 steroids from the Doc should shift the asthma!

    2. He he, Santa's workshop! I'd be like Buddy in Elf!

  2. Get well soon. I'm always making something. At the moment, it's a large Blake's 7 prop and something with a petrol tanker that some kind soul gave me!

    1. He he, now I'm intrigued! And Ta Kev!

  3. Woodsy, you are becoming "The Little Old Toymaker!"

    1. Ha ha, that made me chuckle SF. The Missus said 'one day you'll make a new me!". I said ' how dya know I haven't Mrs.Stepford!"

  4. Sorry to hear you're under the weather Woodsy! Get well soon. Zigg's comment of The Little Old Toymaker, immediately brought to mind the image of Ed Wynn as 'The Toymaker' in Disney's 'Babes in Toyland', but instead of Ed Wynn holding the shrinking gun, I pictured you - now I can't unsee it! LOL
