Wednesday 3 July 2024

Comin' Right Up!

There's no point me denying it, I like McDonalds.

I've been eating their fries and burgers for decades. It was a go-to place to take our kid daughter growing up and the plastic Happy Meal toys were collected with gusto. She still has them somewhere. She's 40! 

OK, the plastic toys have gone, a sign of the times, and prices have gone up but the food remains the same.

Now me and the Missus are busy Grandparents, in Thackley and Shipley every week, two eateries have become important stops for quick tasty grub.

McDonalds for their breakfasts - who can resist a sausage and egg McMuffin - hash brown combo? We relish this after dropping the two Grandkids off at two different schools first thing. The coffee is top bean too 

The second is our Granddaughters favourite, which she calls Shipperleys. It's actually the market cafe beneath the famous clock tower in Shipley, where Lil Miss enjoys a small plate of beans on toast and a milky PG Tips! The friendly owner always gives her a KitKat as well, a nice gesture. We all enjoy going in between charity shopping round the town centre. To finish, Miss feeds the pigeons.

Do you like McDonalds or another food outlet or cafe readers?


  1. Where I live,we have a huge chain of convenience stores called WaWa("Goose" in Local Native American dialect).They started out as a small market where you can get fresh milk everyday,but they've become so much more.Now you can gas up your car,buy fresh ,hot food,groceries,even order a pizza.I like their ready -made breakfast sandwiches with eggs,bacon,sausage ,cheese and such.Fattening,but delicious.I just ate one before work.

    1. Wow Brian, that breakfast butty sounds glorious! I want one!

  2. The one I had this morning was a breakfast meat that seems to be unique to this area.We call it Pork Roll but it is also known as Taylor Ham.It has a taste similar to ham,but the texture is closer to Italian Salami.Really tasty with scrambled eggs and melted cheese on a toasted Bagel

    1. You have the best grub in New Jersey! It's official!

  3. We used to be fast foodies but don't often make it out to eat any more. That being said, the youngest daughter and I did have Arby's crispy chicken sandwiches in the BX Food Court a few days ago and we like the Polish Sausages at the BX Express store (kind of like a 7-11 except it's on the air base) from time to time.

    1. Arbys. I've heard of them Ed. I think they may have released a series of character glasses which are very collectable.the Stone Age?

    2. Arby's started out selling roast beef sandwiches, but now - like all fast food joints - they have a gazillion things on the menu. While I have a lot of fast food premiums, I'm not aware of anything Arby's had to offer. I do have a set of McDonald's glass Flintstones mugs - could that have been what you were thinking of?

    3. Mmm. Roast beef butties. Yum. The glasses set was this Ed, tho I'm unsure what Ice Age was. A cartoon?

    4. Okay I see. "Ice Age' was an animated movie but those glasses are not from that. The glasses are from the comic strip "B.C." created by Johnny Hart:

    5. BC. Yes, that's what I meant! Doh!

  4. Paul Adams from New Zealand7/04/2024 7:06 am

    I think McDonalds made it to New Zealand sometime in the 1970s. But a visit was a very rare treat. I do like their Fillet of Fish burger, and a nice Hot Chocolate.

    1. Never had the Fillet o Fish Paul. My Missus says they're watery!

  5. Paul Adams from New Zealand7/04/2024 10:06 am

    I love the McDonalds Fillet of Fish. Very nice.

  6. Needless to say I know the cafe under the Shipley Clock Tower well, Woodsy.
    My best mate's mum worked there for years, in my teens and twenties.
    It has changed hands many times over the years, since the whole centre was built in 1961, but always made a good strong Yorkshire brew and was always reasonably priced.

    1. Ha ha, thought if you when we were there Mish. I like Shipperley as our 4 year old G'daughter calls it. Seen better days but there's no airs and graces. I like that. Tons of charity shops too. The cafe is great value. I really enjoyed my scrambled eggs on toast and mug of hot tea!

  7. I like your grandaughter's pronunciation of 'Shipperly'.
    As for the town, it was in a way better state in the 60s, as it was newly developed, but, apart from the Salts Mill Art Gallery, it hasn't moved forward at all since then.
    Hopefully, it has better prospects in the future.

    1. We were in Tewkesbury yesterday Mish, a much swankier burgh and the restaurant we went to wasn't a patch on Shipperley's Market Cafe. Unfriendly, had to be asked to wipe the table and way overpriced! There's something to be said for Shipley.

  8. A brief history

    The actors

    Willard Scott looked more like Gacy…

    Without the make-up
