Friday 28 June 2024


 Picking up a Breyer horse at the Diakonie in Germany brought back lots of memories.

I think it took me right back to seeing an Aurora Black Fury box in Andy Foley's TV Toy Zone catalogue when I first started collecting.

I adored those early printed catalogues and I still have them, essential reading as they were on the otherwise boring 7am bus to Morley for work circa 1990. Its were my excitement for old toys was forged.

Seeing the Breyer was like seeing Fury.

Here's a built-up Aurora Black Fury kit as seen on auction. Black Fury was a 1950's comic character, a wild horse doing good deeds in a hostile world [is Black Beauty an older character?]

I think older memories stirred as well. My old Action Man horse was a real gem when I was a kid, standing tall in the imaginary parade ground of my bedroom.

Here's one seen on auction. It was larger then either the Breyer or the Aurora horses. What a beauty!

About a year ago I saw a similar Sindy horse in a Wetherby charity shop, like this one in an old sale. I regret not getting it.

Sindy also got a second horse with that familiar bent knee.

Funny how one thing can bring up so many memories like a pebble in a pond.

As a footnote to this horse's tale I've now identified my Breyer. Its called Valegro and is not as old as I thought, around 2015. Still, its vintage to me.

Have you found something that brought back memories readers?


  1. Valegro is an Olympic gold medallist, in dressage.

  2. My horse was as far from an Olympic dressage horse as you could imagine. He had a scathing regard for it!

    1. What was its name Kev?

    2. Jed. He was a chestnut horse with a white blaze and a sense of humour!

    3. Sounds lovely Kev. Bet you miss Jed.

    4. Yep, he was a good chap. He did manage a good innings though.

  3. Paul Adams from New Zealand6/28/2024 11:23 am

    Black Beauty was first published in 1877 - so a fair bit older than Black Fury. I need to get on with that Black Fury article I promised you.

    1. Don't sweat Paul. You're a busy chap and I have plenty of your excellent material to be going on with.

  4. We sold so many Breyer horses at the toy store I worked at in the 70s - every girl in Westport collected them! SFZ

    1. ha ha, love it. Your recollections are great SF!

    2. Oh my goodness Woodsy - I could tell you stories about the spoiled 70s brats of Westport! Pampered rich kids with too much time on their hands. Old before their time… SFZ

    3. Sounds like a good tale to me SF! Get it written!
