Friday 7 June 2024


Five years ago my cave looked like this, a mess!

Toys, books, games, even a pair of crutches!

Some of the SpaceX scratch builds I made are visible in the cabinet, all stored away in the attic now.

I'd also brought board games down from the attic because a collector was visiting to see if there any he wanted to buy.

I regret selling the rare Dekker Horror Make-Up, but it was a cheap car boot find and you can't hold onto everything can you!

Sadly, my new smaller cave is just as untidy! Its seems impossible for it to be any other way!

Are you an untidy collector readers are a neat one?


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand6/07/2024 1:50 pm

    Messy, I am afraid.

    1. You have storage boxes too Paul. I bet they're neatly stacked are they?

  2. Replies
    1. Your cabinets are the epitome of neatness Kev! But what's your workshop or bench like? Or is the kitchen table?

    2. Thanks. Yep, the kitchen table is my workbench, so I have to tidy away repeatedly. My cutting mat is always in a shocking state!

  3. Are you an untidy collector readers are a neat one?

    What a loaded question! The older and larger a collection gets, and the more things that end up being collected, the chance of staying tidy is impossible. When a kid my picture cards, comics, books and toys all had their place. Now there are just too many of any one collection to be in one orderly place.

    1. Your cave's really quite neat and tidy from what I recall recently in those snaps Terran!

  4. I'm right on the edge of Stage 2 Hoarding, apparently! My saving grace is no garbage on the floor! Or I'd be at Stage 3! SFZ

  5. Paul Adams from New Zealand6/07/2024 9:51 pm

    Does 'piled up' count as neat ?
