Friday 7 June 2024


I took this snap in Swaledale and raised the reds in it.

I immediately thought of the album cover of one of my fave LP's, Black Sabbath's 1970 debut, Black Sabbath, the birthplace of heavy metal!

Now I wonder if Louisa Livingstone would pose in my photo?

 Have you got shots that look like album covers or box art?


  1. Back in the days of film I had a couple of Fotos that resembled The White Album.

  2. Been a long time since I tried artistic photography. But thanks for the link!

  3. No shots Woodsy, but I did see Black Sabbath live in the late 70s at a venue in Leeds (Queens Hall ?)
    The music was so loud that people in the centre of the arena, at the focal point of the acoustics, were knocked unconscious and had to be stretchered out of the building.
    I wasnt a fan, but went along with some mates, and It was just grinding noise to me.

    1. Good Lord, knocked out by Sabbath. Now's there's a story round the dinner table. In their heyday too, making history in venting heavy metal. I,m jealous Mish. Never seen them play. Kerrangggg!
