Friday 10 May 2024

The Voight in my Head

 We breakfasted at Bonn's Voigt bakery this morning, a chain around the city.

It's an unusual name and immediately made me me think of John Voight, the American actor in Midnight Cowboy and Anaconda Among countless others.

I get the impression many Americans have Germanic surnames. Is that right?

Trouble is I always get Voight's face mixed up with John Savage, that other US actor. Even now I'm not sure who was actually the Midnight Cowboy. Are you?

I know Savage starred in the Onion Field, cos I've got it as a big box VHS video, altho' I've never watched it.

Oddly enough I've seen more VHS at German car boots than I ever do in Britain these days, including my beloved big boxes.

Have you chucked your VHS videos readers?


  1. German-Americans are the largest ethnic group in the USA. A trend that started when the British Government decided to hire Hessian mercenaries to fight the colonials.

    1. Fascinating Terran. A chum of ours has just moved to Hessen.

  2. VHS is a dying collectible here in the US. But I really loved the format, and managed to save a few. You never see any at Goodwill, they take up too much space. Once in awhile, just for nostalgia purposes, I buy a cheap VHS on eBay of an obscure title, and transfer it to DVD for viewing. I do like the softer visual look of VHS - can’t stand HD! SFZ

  3. We have three VHS players, unused for at least 10 years plus a 12" TV with built-in VHS player. Hundreds of tapes of recorded TV shows from the 80's when being a parent meant no time for prime time. One day I'll try to catch up on Edward Woodward as The Equalizer!

  4. Where’s Kampff? Oomph…I’m walking here!
