Friday 10 May 2024


I love this old shot of the Grumman MOLAB concept. SWORDIES out there will know this vehicle as the ANT from the Project SWORD Annual.

It would have made a great toy!

Below are some sketches by space guru Krafft Ehricke, which include what look like ANTSs too.

 Have you any ANTS readers?


  1. I love those weird wheels. Were they called “variable radius” or am I thinking of something else? SFZ

    1. A variable diameter wheel to be sure. I think the radius would be fixed by the solid outer rim.

    2. Similar to the spring and wire mesh wheel used on the Lunar Excursion Vehicle on the Apollo missions. In the 1970s I had a salesman try to sell me a pneumatic tire sealer by telling me it was used on the LEV. I laughed at him.

  2. You can actually see the mock up at Cradle of Aviation Museum in Farmingdale, Long Island. I think the museum received a lot of stuff from Grumman, but admittedly this thing really doesn't have pride of place as it is easy to miss in spite of how big it is. They put it in a niche that overlooks the museum cafe. Otherwise the museum has quite a collection of air and space vehicles and artifacts and only about 1 hour away from NYC.
