Monday 13 May 2024

S i l v e s t e r 1 9 8 3

Clearing out my Wife's parents' apartment has been a sobering and often sombre experience this past month.

I've personally known them since 1979, that's most of my adult life till they passed away. It's humbling to be the custodians of their entire life's purchases, belongings, heirlooms and clothes. There was and is so much of it.

Occasionally in all the shifting and sifting I stumbled on evidence of my own small part in their lives.

One such piece was this old games compendium. 

At first glance I didn't notice anything ...

but on closer inspection ....

There's my name and the year written by my Father in Law at the time. I was 22 and living in Germany with his daughter round the Corner from where they lived.  It was New Years Eve, Silvester, 1983 and we must have been playing board games as a family.

I was touched seeing it, a small something of me from my Father in Law so long ago.

I was there. Where were you readers?


  1. 1983? I was about 25, I'd already left home, moved into a share house and met my life partner. By this time my freelance work as a props maker was established, we'd bought our first house and were working on the Ozploitation movie Razorback (you can see both our names in the end credits!)

    1. Yay,! Razorback! One film I have to see when I'm back in Blighty tomorrow. Kudos Looey! Credited too!

  2. December 1983 I paid my last visit to London for what would be the last time in eight years for when I returned to NYC my wife told me she was pregnant and there were no funds for foreign travel then. I was in London to wound up the business of selling AMAZONS Calendar in the US for college friends. The calendar artist was the late Chris Achilleos.

  3. December 1983 I paid my last visit to London for what would be the last time in eight years for when I returned to NYC my wife told me she was pregnant and there were no funds then for foreign travel. I was in London to wound up the business of selling AMAZONS Calendar in the US for college friends. The calendar artist was the late Chris Achilleos.

    1. I had to think about the word Amazing and ignore Jeff Bezos' empire. Of course, the voluptuous warriors, I can picture Chris A's art now!

  4. Amazon. Not Amazing. Damn this auto correct!
