Saturday, 20 April 2024

Tong in Cheek

 I picked up this 80's TONG Barbie clone yesterday in a German charity shop.

TONG is a new one on me and the make is clearly marked on the doll's neck rear.

Maybe the clothes she's got on is original too. I'm not sure.

The body may well be another brand as I think TONG bodies were articulated.

Anyways, for 50 cents I'll turn the other cheek.

Anyone any TONG experience readers?


  1. I believe tong was a manufacturer of doll/action figure bodies that were used in a variety of knock off toys in the 1970s and 1980s.

    1. Action figures too? Wow, interesting.

  2. Plaid Stallions had a ninja figure with a tong body on their site. They mentioned some mego knock offs as well.
