Saturday, 6 April 2024


 Remember when toys talked when we were kids?

Hard to believe that most of the speaking was by tiny vinyl records hidden away somewhere in the toy. They were powered by rubber bands!

Here's an old Action Man Field Radio that spoke. I had one as a kid and remember. I found this one at a boot sale.

I've forgotten what it said and I can't test it.

... the record's missing!

Nowadays talking toys have chips.

Did you have a tiny hidden record readers?


  1. Yes Woodsy.
    In my 1970s Palitoy 'Talking Dalek'.
    It woke me up one morning by spontaneously saying "Exterminate, Exterminate" without me touching it !
    Spooky !

  2. I have a NOMA passenger station made in the '50s for toy train layouts and in it was a small record which had various station announcements. However, while my station is cosmetically clean and nice, the record is missing and the mechanism doesn't work. There are replacement electronic modules made for it but I haven't yet taken the plunge to buy one.

    1. Amazing. Station announcements! Is NOMA a brand Ed?

  3. I had the big Japanese Robbie the Robot kit (Tsukuda?) and it too had a classic voice box with record within it!
    I wonder if that was the last gasp of the old style voice boxes, as microchips were taking over by then...

    1. Robbie's last gasp! Is Robbie not part of your life anymore Looey?
