Sunday, 28 April 2024

Das Train and Toy Fair

 After whizzing round a morning car boot, ee visited an Eisenbahn und Spielzeugboerse today, a train and toy fair in the local Vestlandhalle.

It was 5 Euro admission and 90% trains and the rest die-casts.

Here's the sort of thing that was on offer (individual toy pics from the net)

Lots and lots of old boxes Maerklin trains

Including huge XXL train sets

A gorgeous Ichiko Oldsmobile Police car at 35 Euro.

It was a large spacious hall.

With Faller plastic biuldings

Between the boot sale and the toy fair I netted this meagre but interest pile for 6 Euro.

Two Speed Kings, two knockoff wrestlers, two Hot Wheels and a strange orange car.

The orange was my favourite item. It says No Mobile and Ideal 1977. It has inertia drive too. A gorgeous plastic thing but it remains a mystery.


  1. It appears to be missing a soft top. I found a picture of one on Flickr. Poster Hollis 1 talks about them being hard to find in Germany.
    Coincidence, huh?

    1. Wow, interesting. Mine was in a box of tatty stuff. Looks like I did well. I can replace that top when I'm back at base. Thanks Looey.

  2. You have a Micro Mighy Mo there,made by Ideal toys.Tough little toy if it's still working after 47 years.

  3. Amazing train show! A Markin HO scale New Haven diesel! Beautiful vintage Faller structures! I would have lost my wallet there, for sure! SFZ

    1. New Haven! As in your home? Small world!

  4. Very nice Woodsy. I really like the Ichiko Olds Police car

    1. Yep and not dear really at €35. Maybe I read it wrong and ignored any zeros!
