Sunday, 24 March 2024

Sunday Sundries

 Today's Sunday sale garnered a few things.

A modern Action Man in vintage Palitoy clobber.

A threesome of plastic. General Grievous looks over a VTech Helicopter and a weaponised Optimus.

For a future project. Found not one but two Speed Kings mod trailers.

I think this is an Action Man mine.

This beret was inside the Action Man bag along with a sten gun.

One more of the threesome. Anything here you like?


  1. That's a Tommy Gunn mine. I had a set, I think with empty sandbags and shovel, back in the day. I also had the Action Man mine Detector that came with stamped metal mines that would complete the circuit to allow the red bulb on AM's back pack to light up!

    1. Thanks Looey! I didn't know that about Tommy Gunn. Maybe more of what I found is Tommy too. Yep, I remember having the Action Man detector set. Clever circuitry!

  2. Nice finds, Woodsy.

    1. Thanks Tone! I've been looking at the Action Man and Tommy Gunn machine guns and its hard to see a difference. I will have to post the rest of my finds and see what you and Looey think.
