Wednesday, 27 March 2024


 My latest project is inspired by Mattel's Chopcycles, the motorbike versions of Sizzlers.

I picked up two Matchbox Super Kings Mod Trailers to get me started, one for best and one spare. My chopper will be bigger than Mattel's.

I sawed off the tow bar, cleaned off the decals and painted the blue base yellow.

Large tyres were added and I've made a start on the engine with Junior's lego.

The engines extend all the way to the rear.

Finally today, I've cut out the back spoiler from a marg tub lid and glued it in position with the help of an apple.

Tomorrow I'll paint the spoiler and chrome the engine.

Time for a cuppa and Pilates!


  1. Ha! Our lives revolve around finding " just the right shape" to fire our imaginations!

    1. Hahaha I've got a box of the "right" shapes!!

    2. Shapes of Things Before My Eyes!
