Tuesday 26 March 2024

Catalogue Cornucopia!

Not kit catalogues as such, but a selection of old toy and model kits from the sixties. The purple dinosaurs and the FROG missile transporter above, always intruiged me in this ace Hamleys catalogue.
Ive also included some Marx, Airfix, Lucky Toys and Hot Wheels along with some classic Dinky!



  1. Fascinating Woodsy! Old catalogs are so much fun to look at. I have a Dan Dare Radio Station in the box pictured on one these pages. I've had it for years and haven't yet photographed it.

    1. This one's Wotan's Ed and a brilliant archive it is.

  2. Ah! Hamley's in pre- decimal prices too!
    I have such clear memories of their old store, with it's circular atrium and each of the upper floors opening onto it.
    Sadly not well served in the archives of the internet!

  3. Paul Adams from New Zealand3/27/2024 5:51 am

    What a wonderful collection of vintage toys. I am sure there were plenty of memories for some. I think it might be time to start my letter to Santa a little early this year.

  4. An amazing archive of delights that Bill! So many to savour and so many recognised. There's even my beloved Johnny Seven! Tonka's attempt to create spectraflame Hot Wheels type vehicles. Those I've never seen but they look great!

  5. Amazing ads! Department store catalogs were a great source of toy pictures back then. I recall the Sears catalog from circa 1969 having pages of mouth-watering imported Space and Sci-Fi toys. But the ringer in this Hamleys catalog, for me, is the Land Grabbing Moon Climber! What is that? Does anyone have any info on it? Looks like a big battery-operated space tank to me! SFZ

    1. Actually, the “Hill-Climbing Moon Grabbers.” Three styles: lunar prober, space tracker, moon rover. Anybody know about these? SFZ

    2. I've posted your close-up SF. I think they're by Marx.

    3. Terrific SF vehicles! SFZ

  6. Scott Kellogg3/27/2024 3:08 pm

    Wow! So much Cool Stuff!

    Even Marvel the Mustang that my wife had when she was a kid! :)
