Tuesday, 27 February 2024


We can't have a Predators week without mentioning Predator the movie! Here's the original trailer from, yes, 1987! Its that long ago!

And for those of you who collected the action figures back in the day - it was 7 years before any were released -  here's an old 1993 TV ad with Predator's new foe, ALIEN!

and perhaps the one ALIEN toy I would love to find in any condition is the 18 inch Kenner. A thing of legend and like those Mars Attacks cards decades earlier, this lofty beast was just too darn scary for Parents and some kids!

Its official, ALIEN was way scarier than Predator, so c'mon, forget about my tie, man!*

Here's the 18 incher's TV ad that says it all!

Did you or do you have any Predator or ALIEN toys or games or kits readers?

* This post is dedicated to the late great Carl Weathers, who played Colonel Al Dillon in Predator, who sadly passed away this year.


  1. Scott Kellogg2/27/2024 5:25 pm

    Now you've got me wondering:
    If one of the alien face hugger things got ahold of a Mars Attacks alien,
    what would the resulting alien thing that hatched out of it look like?

  2. I had the Kenner Alien Queen in it's box with a tub of slime and the bigger McFarland Queen. I sold them on as they were quite bulky.

  3. I had neither Alien nor Predator toys. However, I was lucky enough to work on the movie 'Alien VS Predator' in the miniatures department, under the legendary model effects guru, Bill Pearson.
    In my opinion it's better to be killed quickly from a laser blast or slashing 'Frisbee', than die slowly and painfully from an emerging 'gut buster' or brain punching inner jaws, so the Alien is way scarier.

    1. Hey kudos Mish, how brill is that! Which miniatures did you work on?

  4. I was part of the team making the 15ft actic ice breaker

    1. Cool stuff! Got any pics of it or prop bits surviving Mish?

  5. I was part of the team making the ice breaker ship, and also helped build the 1/3 scale Alien Queen's restraining shackles, which keep her trapped, until she escapes, using her Alien drones acid 'blood' to melt through them.

    1. Yes! I remember those shackles! She snaps them off! How ace! How did they go on the monster? Simply shackled on? Was the Queen animatronic? Any pics Mish? What a great job you had!

  6. No pics, sadly, but yes, the Queen was a 1/3 scale animatronic puppet and the shackles, made from rigid brown insulation foam and vac forms, were fixed on around her.
    They were then removed, pre cut, and tack glued back together, so they would easily break apart, when the puppet was operated. All shot at a scale film speed to look full sized and dramatic, not like a model.
    I was not at the filming itself, which was at studios in the Check Republic, but helped build them in the workshop, back at Shepperton Studios, in the UK.
