Monday, 19 February 2024

MJ's Batman 1980's New York Short

Hi Woodsy, I'm still continuing with the cinematic backgrounds for my channel, this time 1980's New York,

Eeey Fugetabuhtit!

Southcoast Base

PS. Checkout MJ's latest shorts in the blogs right-hand side column


  1. I like the way Bats looks like he's breathing! Are you using a wide screen telly for the backgrounds?
    I'm hoping to use that trick for some of my puppet film shots.
    Just as a suggestion, you might try fiddling with the image controls so the backing doesn't pop out so much, after all your story is about Batman -not a bunch of brick walls!

    1. That could be cos I have a shake hand and image stabilisation isn't all that, and yes it's just the tv, using YouTube for backgrounds some images just pop more than others

  2. Looking good MJ. Bats and New York were made for each other! I can just see him zooming up from the dark alley to the top of the Empire State, perched like a gargoyle!

    1. Haha yeh I've got a villain takedown coming soon using either New York or some background images from Arkham Knight on my Ps4

    2. Sounds cool. I have lots of fave Gotham villains. Bane takes some beating. I read in my Grandsons DC guide he's known as Bat-Breaker!
