Monday, 29 January 2024

Out and About

I saw these bits and bobs on recent trips out.

Anything you like?

Tons of books on diesel and steam trains. And how to scrap them! 

Loads of old annuals. I see tons of these in charities and second hand shops. This one had a nice run of Lion from the Sixties. Do you collect annuals?

Don't know this grim fellow among the nursery toys.

And among the soundtrack Laps the Odessa File. I remember the actor. He was in Peeping Tom. Can't think of his name. I think there's an Odessa File board game as well. Do you collect spy soundtracks or games or books? 

This Disney collectables display was super impressive in a Malton shop. Disney toys area vast collecting area. Do you collect them?

And only yesterday I snapped up this Gen1 Transformer. Incomplete but lovely. Do you collect Transformers?


  1. Interesting stuff. Especially the Disney windows.
    The guy in The Odessa File isn't the same as the one in Peeping Tom, Woodsy.
    It's John Voigt in The Odessa File and a German actor, who's name I can't remember, in Peeping Tom.

    1. John Voight! Of course! He wAs the bad guy in Anaconda! And I think the young man in Midnight Cowboy. Peeping Tom, is it Herbert Lom?

  2. Google Sez... Max Steel 6 " Dredd figure
    (I guess if he's not a Judge, you can copyright his name!)
    And Peeping Tom is Karlheinz Böhm
    (I recently lasted until the hare-lip scene, before I turned off due to lack of subtitles)

    1. Ah thanks Looey! Two mysteries solved in one. I've seen Böhm in other films too.

  3. Paul Adams from New Zealand1/29/2024 4:40 pm

    I had no idea there was an Odessa File soundtrack album.
    Not many Annuals in NZ charity shops, and even fewer old ones from the 1960s. That would be a very rare find in my neck of the woods.
    The Disney windows are nice.
    The Transformer is a Harrier jump-jet.

    1. Yep, soundtracks were once something I collected. Horror films. It's a fun thing Paul.

  4. Transformers were never my thing, however I have a couple of them around here that I bought for use on the train layout.
