Friday, 26 January 2024

Operation Soap Dish: The Spacex Moon Base: Completed!

 With the arrival of some HO figures, my model Moon Base HQ is done!

It's been a fun soapy ride!

Below is the REAL Tri-ang toy [not my model!] and the main reference picture I used for research; my friend Paul V's fabulous image on his superb Tri-ang SpaceX website.

Here's my own version; more of an impression than a copy.



.... and some detailed snaps of the whole base.

The rec room

The screening room

I like this final pic. Before the night shift arrives, the lone resident considering what to do tomorrow.

Good question!

Hope you enjoyed this moon base project readers. Thanks for watching.


  1. Brilliant work - its like a modern interpretation of the sixties original! The figures really make it come alive. Once more an inspired use of everyday materials! Bill

    1. Thanks a bunch Bill. Glad you like it. I've had an idea for a Mark II! We'll see.

  2. Woodsy, that my friend is a a work of art !
    An ingenious recreation of a classic toy.
    Stunning !

    1. Thanks so much Mish! So glad you like it.

  3. Replies
    1. Aw, thank you Kev! That's praise indeed!

  4. A delightful personal rendition of the Tri-ang toy. Nice to see in the last picture that Abraham Lincoln is wondering why he's on the moon?

    1. Much obliged Terran! ha ha, yep, he's pondering his next Address!

  5. I'm speechless! Not only is it a well thought out creative endeavor, but the fact that you built this in so short a time is amazing! 'Awesome' seems like too weak a word but there you have it: AWESOME!

    1. Thank you so much Ed! Your support and ideas have spurred me on this past 8 days of mooning!

  6. Abe Lincoln is waiting for his connecting Impulse Shuttle flight to the USS Enterprise !

    1. Yep, the Moon Base POTUS suite leaves much to be desired! ha ha

  7. A veritable tour de force, Woodsy! Very inventive!

  8. Lovely work Woodsy! It takes me back to my own childhood where I couldn't afford high priced toys, so I'd make my own and often it was around some plastic shape that was providing inspiration.
    I agree with Bill that the figures really make it, although I'm wistful that you didn't use some of your magic pens to paint the Astronauts Chrome Gold!
    It's been a great muti-part WIP (work in progress - not women in prison!) Blog steam.
    I've been waking up in Australia and tuning in first thing go see how you've been going!

    1. Thanks a lot Looey. I've wanted to make one for a while. Retirement helps a lot! I think the original astronauts in the Triang set were plain. I suppose I had those in mind. The figures were great fun to glue in place and yes, I agree too, made it come alive.

  9. Paul Adams from New Zealand1/27/2024 3:27 am

    That is another great project. Using bits and pieces that most people would not look at twice, yet you turned them in to something magical. Very well done indeed.

    1. Thanks very much Paul. It's amazing what bits there are in bits boxes!

  10. It’s amazing how close you came to the “original” using scraps and bits - truly inspired! Any self-respecting child would want one! SFZ

    1. Cheers SF! The old white circuitry chips were the spark here. Without them I wouldn't have thought of it.
