Saturday, 27 January 2024


 With Moon Bases on our minds I've been wondering what a small-scale Triang SpaceX Moon Base module on a card might have looked like.

You would have had to buy four of them to make up a small base.

I'm really surprised there aren't any blister carded plastic moon bases or moon stations by any old 60's or 70's company that I can see. The living quarters and modules would have been perfect for a blister card.

Anyways, here's my rough bottle-inspired mock-up. You can do better I'm sure.


  1. You're right Woodsy - there are no Moon Base modules available on blister pack. Not even knock -off's or even independent designs from other companies. Oh well.

    1. Strange isn't it. There's lots of vehicles and a few Apollo Moon Exploring accessories but hardly anything Moon Base related on cards other than Mattel's Man in Space and his various space station tools and equipment.
