Thursday, 29 February 2024


 I was a dinosaur nut as a kid. I wanted to be a paleontologist.

I'm not one but I am a bit of a fossil now!

My tender years were filled with dinosaur books depicting the fiercest predators that ever lived. I loved them all and read them voraciously and often dreamt about a T. Rex stomping up the street and peering at me through my bedroom window.

Here are a good few of the books I had as a kid.

Besides books I also loved these Polska stamps. Such iconic illustrations! My personal faves were the two giants Brontosaurus and Brachiosaurus stood in water.

I'll sign off this Jurassic jaunt with an auction listing I saw that made me smile. It's as if the dinos know they're being photographed! Ones even walking over the list of names. I love it! Ha ha. What where your favourite dino books and species?


  1. I had that second book. Didn't remember until I saw that photo though!

    1. Yeah I loved that book. I still have a copy.

  2. As a 60's kid, my dinosaur world was defined by the artwork of Rudolph Zallenger. A close second was Zedenik Burian, although I didn't know who he was at the time. When I met the young woman who would become my wife, she knew EVERYTHING about paleoartists.
    I learnt about the previous Charles Knight and current (80's) artists like Giovanni Caselli, John Sibbick and John Gurch (sorry, no Google spell check!).
    Do you have any favourite dino artists, readers?

    1. I don't know names like that Looey but the art in the books shown and others on Prehistoric Mammals and Primitive Man helped shape the fabric of my thoughts as a kid.

  3. I had the How and Why with the disgruntled looking Bronto on the cover! Cracking illustrations, especially the huge turquoise Elasmosaurus in the middle. I recall getting the Purnell hardback for my birthday too, took it to school and some swine drew a huge willy on one of the dinosaurs! Bill

    1. Reminds me of the school chant My Friend Billy ....!

  4. Not sure there's much fossil evidence to back up that person's anatomical theory.
