Saturday, 6 January 2024



As Woodsy mentioned the Ahi Moon Car in his comment on my Sixteen 12 Alpha Moonbuggy post, I thought I'd dig out a couple of photos showing some examples Space:1999 products from ahi.

As they’re not my photos I won’t elaborate too much about them, but I thought they might instil a little nostalgia in some of you.

Ahi , a New York company formed in 1964 , stood for Azrak Hamway International, and produced toys that were available in the US, UK and Europe. They were a parent company to Remco.

They produced several licenced products from Space:1999, including two different Moon Cars, and four different types of Space:1999 stun guns.

They also produced licenced products from Star Trek.


  1. Interesting. The laser isn't a bad replica for a toy. I remember one that was bigger, more shiny and with a large torch at the front. I kinda like the phaser!

    1. I reckon the stun gun you're thinking of is the more expensive Remco one, Kev.

    2. Ah, that seems likely, thanks.

  2. What groovy toys - look at those graphics! I did not encounter these back in the day. SFZ

    1. I love those colourful backing cards too, Zigg.

  3. I had that phaser. One of several different models over the years.

    1. Good to hear, Baron. Have you still got the odd phaser still in the collection.

    2. I may have one, but it's probably one of the newer ones. But I love my Bluetooth Communicator that I can use for cell calls. Sadly, I don't get phone calls from friends anymore. Sign of the times.

  4. These all are really neat Scoop - luv 'em all! The one really great thing about this blog is seeing all those space toys/comics/ephemera I don't collect. As much as I liked movies and shows like Star Wars, Star Trek, Space 1999, any Gerry Anderson, etc., those are collecting rabbit holes I refuse to go down. An occasional piece will make its way into the collection but overall, the 'corporate will' to collect just isn't there. Although, should a Star Trek phaser become available for a reasonable price I may have to bend my own rules a bit! LOL

    1. That's always the problem with collecting, Ed. If I find myself with two of something in a set I always have the urge to collect them all. I remember talking with you a while back about Matt Mason toys.You quite rightly pointed out that if I've managed this long without collecting them, it's best to let that boat sail.(although if a decent Sgt Storm crops up, I might not be averse to bending my own rules too!) ; D

    2. Some of my favorite toys as a kid were the original G.I. Joe's and I had a bunch of those as well as cheaper knock-offs like Stoney Smith and when I joined the military I gifted them to my nephew. But since becoming a toy collector I've avoided these at all costs as they are yet another rabbit hole. Especially when you consider their uptick in popularity has spawned a whole industry of limited run, custom (and pricey) figures.

  5. Gorgeous toys Scoop. Quite a lot of Ahi's output are covered in a new book I got for Xmas called Rack Toys. Ahi were great.
