Thursday, 28 December 2023

Xmas Goodies

A relative peace has descended on the base today, so before I have to start tidying up in advance of the next round, I am just enjoying a moment with some of my gifts. Starting small, I have a vintage LP brand spaceman (1 of 3), who would have graced an xmas stocking in the late sixties, so a nice little throwback there!

Then, roaring to the present, a trio of contemporary Hot Wheels, courtesy of my daughter, who knows her dad always pops one in the shopping trolley on the way round the Big Shop. Here we have 'Dessert Drifter', a large jelly on wheels, 'Rally Speciale' - clearly channelling the classic Lancia Stratos vibe and finally the 'Bricking Speed' - a modular plastic car with Lego style elements, that can be swapped with other cars in the range and connected directly to Lego!

All these toys are being tested out in another gift, a portable soft box for photography. A flexible plastic cube, with LED strip lighting and interchangeable backdrops. Just the thing for the cramped confines of the Man Cave!
And finally, back to Hot Wheels with a classic Sweet 16 design, reissued for the modern era, 'Splitting Image'. One of Ira Gilfords iconic designs of the Redline period. This version hails from the late 90's, early 2000's, but is still as stunning as ever.
Right, playtimes over for now, chores beckon!


  1. What a great selection Bill. I love the light box, how clever is that! Splittin Image brings back memories of redlines too. I got a few Hot Wheels as well courtesy of the ever-kind Paul V! [More on those later]. As for Brickin Speed, does Brickin refer to brickin it, as in terrified? ha ha

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand12/28/2023 11:08 am

    That is quite a coincidence. I have just bought myself a similar lightbox for model photography (post-Christmas sale). Mine is called a Shotbox, also with built-in, adjustable lighting.
    A friend picked it up for me, and will drop it off on Saturday, then it will be playtimes.

    1. Excellent Paul, this one is about 15" square, so ideal for diecasts
