Sunday, 10 December 2023


 Bill has very kindly donated some old toy fixer-uppers to me

It'll give me something enjoyable to do whilst the Missus is recovering watching Judge Judy!

Here they are, battered and bruised, waiting for some TLC.

There's a lovely soft plastic Tudor Rose Tractor

A large interesting Marx remote-control Police car

A fabulous Clifford Joe's Diner van.

and last but not least, a marvellous Century 21 Topo Gigio Ice Cream Van.

Oh what fun!


  1. What a beautiful haul of strange and beautiful vehicles! I’m sure you’ll have a blast nursing them all back to tip-top shape! SFZ

  2. Ahh - so it's remote control? That explains it! Bill

  3. Paul Adams from New Zealand12/10/2023 4:20 pm

    That is a very nice collection. Especially the old traction engine. They should certainly keep your busy, and amused.

  4. Oooh! Is that a Ford Zephir station wagon about 12 inches long and friction power? I had one as a kid! Mine was olive drab with no markings, but with a red telephone set in the cargo area. I assume it was meant to be Military Police.
