Wednesday, 27 December 2023

It's Still ChrISSmas!

Well, Christmas is still here but lingering like a sprout bouquet. The opened prezzies are in piles still with traces of torn wrapping peeking out from beneath. I wonder if you're sat down looking at one of them right now with a glass of Advocaat?

Well spare a thought for the crew of the International Space Station up there hanging in the heavens like a bright bauble.

This is what they are seeing when they look down this Christmas.

Would you like to be up there in the ISS?

Have you got a space station?


  1. I've got one of the modules from the filming miniature of the Charles de Gaulle space station from Star Cops. Also JR21 and Konami Thunderbird 5. That's possibly it for space stations.

    1. Several stations is plenty Kev! Would you like to be on the ISS?

  2. Replies
    1. C'mom then, get packing! Me too! Don't forget your toothbrush!
