Sunday, 31 December 2023

Fangs for the Memories! New Year's Eve in Whitby

 A day trip to Whitby on the Yorkshire coast is always a treat. Twinned with Anchorage, Alaska, this old fishing town is a feast of sights, sounds, seagulls and salty chips.

Here are a few snaps I took.

There's an old die cast shop. I bought some great Super fast there last year.

An Army Surplus with Action Men! 

The really old toy corner shop on the market square. I bought a Fairylite Stingray here years ago for a fiver! 

And some black and white shots of Whitby's old gothic streets.

St. Hilda's on the hill.

Henrietta Street end

The harbour

The lights of dusk

Dark Henrietta Street.

The famous steps.

The Board Inn.

A Snicket to the shore.

Old town.

Christmas Spirit.

Dracula! Bram Stoker wrote it here!

Arguments Yard. Settle this! 

Town centre.

Over the Bridge.

Christmas tree.

Have you got a favourite seashore town like Whitby? 


  1. I used to have that deep sea diver suit! It was lined with latex, and you pumped air into it so bubbles came up to the surface.

    1. Yes, latex lined. Id forgotten that Baron!

  2. Those pictures of the shop remind me a place I visited in Tintagel a few years ago. It had a similar collection of die casts in a glass case. I remember a Husky Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (will I ever escape it's pleasant curse?) But all the prices were Australian grade because the owners were obviously more interested in maintaing a display, rather than turning a Quid!
    Lovely setting and surrounding buildings. Missus was late back to the coach because of a visit to the local stone Post Office!

    1. Never been to Tintagel Looey but my love of all things Arthurian draws me there.

  3. Wish I was there

  4. I've been to Tintagel and that shop !
    Fantastic stuff there, but way out of my price range.
    Great to see though.
