Thursday, 7 December 2023

Ed's Tin: F-104 Starfighter from 'ASC'

The F-104 is one of the Century Series of fighters and is among my all-time favorites (okay, I have about 50 'all time favorites' and? 🤣) and this version is quite large at 14"L with an 8" wingspan.

It has a friction motor, but unlike many toy airplanes of the era, lacks a sparking mechanism to give it that extra bit of flair.

The wings detach from the fuselage in the same manner as most tin toy aircraft of the era.

From Vegas Airfield


  1. The F-104 is one of the great fighter designs, truly iconic, endlessly copied by others, including model and toy manufacturers, and your tin toy is simply too cool for words!

    1. Thank you kindly! No Cold War era toy airplane collection would be complete without a Starfighter - plastic or tin!

  2. What a slick tube of chrome Ed! Looks in great nick too! Like an X Plane!

    1. Thanx Woodsy! I always liked how this plane was described: a rocket with wings and a pilot LOL

  3. Paul Adams from New Zealand12/07/2023 4:45 pm

    That is a great looking toy. From the classic age of Japanese tinplate.

    1. Thanx Paul! It's so funny to remember back at how we referred to those "cheap Japanese toys" that now command premium prices!

  4. What a great looking toy, I wonder if they ever did a NASA version? Will O.

    1. Thanx Will! I don't believe anyone did a NASA version in a ready-to-play toy. Maybe the model companies had one with NASA decals but that's total speculation.

  5. Paul Adams from New Zealand12/08/2023 4:41 am

    Another name for the Starfighter was the Missile with a Man in it.

  6. Paul Adams from New Zealand12/08/2023 5:50 pm

    I do not know about tinplate or toy versions, but there have been some kits of the F-104 with NASA markings, and some have NASA box art. Digging is required.
