Tuesday, 5 December 2023

Bills Revrod Redux

I bought a blind box of old toys on eBay this week, largely because I could see a couple of items in the rest of the junk that I fancied. It arrived today and in the lot was the hulk of a Denys Fisher Revrod (Kenner SSP) which had been in one race too many and had lost its spoiler and engine block. Along with the other bits was a motorcycle engine, with nice twin turbines, so I cannibalised it and fitted it onto the dragster.
A pair of large Lego wheels and an airplane wing for the front spoiler and a few rubber pipes completed the deal.

Alas, it's not competition grade and won't be tearing up the strip anymore, but it was a fun afternoons work!



  1. Looks revvin good That Bill! A great job and all in one afternoon! Brill. What was the original motorbike toy, any idea?

  2. Nice repair job. Another toy I'd forgotten about.

  3. Paul Adams from New Zealand12/06/2023 4:27 am

    A very nice rescue job, and you managed to use up some odd bits of old toys.

  4. That's an inventive piece of restoration, Bill. Very cool.

  5. Think the motorbike was a cheap HK flywheel job
