Sunday, 31 December 2023
As I know our readers on the other side of the world have already entered 2024, and here in the UK we've got to wait just under four hours before the fireworks, I thought, before I pour my first Guinness I'll wish you all a happy and safe New Year.
All the best, Folks.
Fangs for the Memories! New Year's Eve in Whitby
A day trip to Whitby on the Yorkshire coast is always a treat. Twinned with Anchorage, Alaska, this old fishing town is a feast of sights, sounds, seagulls and salty chips.
Here are a few snaps I took.
A BOX OF T for the New Year
Project SWORD Moon Prospectors are always fun.
I had one as a kid back in the Sixties.
Here's the T in a Circle [Tai Hing] version I saw on auction.
Its always worth checking the branding on the toy itself.
This one is Century 21 Toys.
Saturday, 30 December 2023
As my post on the picture on the cover of the new Corgi catalogue is creating a bit of a buzz, here's a reminder of the photos Corgi produced showing their prototype die-cast Stingray.
Will it be a hit or a miss?
Friday, 29 December 2023
A Dusting Off
Been on a Charity shop spree today, as we do. Dusting off our shoes, it was the first since before Xmas.
Here Are a few things I spotted, although I didn't buy anything today.
Star Trek puzzle
Getting Ahead at Xmas
Now, having seen the quality and the breadth of the range, I wish I had done, as each helmet comes in a hard plastic display cube and is extremely well made and detailed.
The Rebel pilots helmets caught my eye, along with the stormtroopers, so I picked up a couple of items on eBay. Alas, due to the rarity of some issues, prices vary tremendously and a full set can fetch upwards of £300.
Still, the most I have paid so far has been £18 and the least, for the Bounty Hunter 4-LOM was a fiver.
The Rebel fighter helmets are only visible briefly in Return of the Jedi and it is hard to distinguish which one is which, so having a nice model for reference is a good thing.
The original Kenner line of Star Was figures famously mixed up the names of the two Bounty Hunters who appeared on the bridge of the Executor in Empire Strikes Back, naming the alien Gand Findsman ‘4-LOM’ and the robot battle droid ‘Zuckuss’. Later issues of the Power of the Force figures redressed the matter and got the names correct on the card.
The Gand Bounty Hunter Zuckuss is depicted as a full head, rather than a helmet, but is extremely well sculpted and detailed.
The battered droid 4-LOM with its faceted insectoid eyes, could also be mistaken for an alien and is again represented by a full head bust.