Wednesday 11 October 2023


 Some more body work on a die-cast I picked up at a boot sale.

Shazam! By Corgi. A small DC-inspired car I've not seen before, but I really like it.

 I scratched-up some chrome lightning tips and added a wingtip to the yellow spoiler. Everything was cleaned and touched-up with paint pen. 

See what you think.



  1. Just seen a chrome spill on the back! Doh!

  2. It was originally released in the Corgi Juniors line as A Hot Rod, with an open cockpit. Corgi went crazy inserting Superheroes and cartoon characters into pre-existing molds in the later seventies, as well as making some dedicated cartoon style models like the spider shaped copter and Superman ship with spring launched fists! Bill

    1. Yes, I've only this week seen that hot rod Bill. It looks ace! Never ever seen one anywhere!

  3. Paul Adams from New Zealand10/11/2023 6:24 pm

    The Corgi Juniors Spidercopter was actually a revised version of the Sting Military Helicopter, with a new rotor and landing gear. This was based on a 1950s French design, the Djion. There was also a larger Spidercopter in the main Corgi line, which does not seem to have been based on an existing model. Both were red and blue.

  4. Nice work on that restoration! You've even replaced a missing rear spoiler...

    Your recent posts about restoration and Husky Toys has inspired me to spend some silly money (for me) on eBay for a trio of fixer-upper items. Can you guess which film tie-ins they are? Clue- one is not a Man From Uncle car... Sob!
    I can see some upcoming Resto posts on Moonbase before year's end!

  5. Shazam looks like Mad Frankie Frazer, the gangland thug!
