Tuesday, 31 October 2023


I think I have mentioned that Max from Max's Models was having a Halloween Group Build. Everyone who wants to take part builds a model, and sends in photos.

Max then puts these together in a Group Build video. This was my entry - Revenge of the Lab Rats.

After centuries of being used for experiments, the lab rats have revolted, and now it is Man's turn to tremble in fear. This would make a truly great horror movie, right up there with Night of the Lepus (giant killer bunny rabbits), or Attack of the Killer Shrews.

I had originally intended to use mutant killer Guinea Pigs, but I could not find any suitable toy Guinea Pigs. So I had to switch to rats.

The ones I used are black plastic Halloween decorations. I learned my lesson when painting the Man in a Monkey suit, and this time I primed the models before painting, and then used acrylics.

Light grey primer, dry brushed with white. Pink flesh areas, with metallic red for the glowing red eyes.

The doomed human trying to make a break for it is a 1/24th scale mechanic from a Fujimi Mechanics and Drivers set. The work bench is from an AMT car accessory set.

The cupboard and the shelf are made from cardboard. The cardboard box and various other parts are either from the AMT accessory set, or the spares box.

The large Scientific Apparatus on the bench is the engine deck from a WW2 German Tiger tank (1/72nd scale Hasegawa I think), backed with foamboard. Some of the other items are 1/25th scale car engine parts.

The laboratory set is coloured card, glued in to a cut-down cardboard box, which is a lot more rigid than trying to glue individual pieces of cardboard together.

Happy Halloween.

Paul Adams in New Zealand


  1. That's truly killer diorama, Paul. Payback time. Love it!

  2. What an astounding diorama! It captures that exact moment before the guy bolts the hell outa there! Hilarious!

  3. One chillingly perilous predicament that is! Well done!

  4. Paul Adams from New Zealand10/31/2023 5:32 pm

    Thank you. It was great fun to build.

  5. Really cool diorama Paul and one that would give me shivers. I used to work at a steel mill and out in the steel yard were rats the size of cats! I always feared getting close and personal with one of those critters!!!

  6. Lovely work! I do like a nice diorama!
    (In fact, I have one pencilled into my busy schedule for next May's Doll and Miniatures Fair) hopefully if I get it done, it'll really appeal to all the Moonbasers!
