Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Eating our Way over Halloween: 1997 Burger King Universal Monsters - The Creature From The Black Lagoon

Burger King's Creature has been a hard one to fit into my Halloween scenarios but he's still a cool classic. Molded in an icky green he's actually a squirt gun of sorts.

From Vegas Lagoon


  1. Whilst I love all of the Universal line-up, if pushed I'd say the Creature is my favourite. Nice to see you have him in your collection, Ed.

    1. Thanx Tony. Me on the other hand am not a big fan of the Creature - other than looking at him makes me hungry for fried frog legs.

  2. I recently bought one of these for my grandson who when 4 watched all three Creature movies with me on Youtube. Luckily as he can't read and the instruction sheet was missing he doesn't know about the water squirting feature.
