Sunday 8 October 2023



Sometimes a great notion leads to a carnival of monsters. It did with me last night. Having bought this 4 episode Doctor Who series on a 1990's VHS tape in a charity shop I was keen to relive my 70's Saturday Nights and binge-watch all four, just 100 minutes.

I even got my Missus to agree to watch!

We were all set. Video tape in hand, I slotted it into the VCR and .... instantly ejected. I tried again and the same. It has been a while since I played a video so I tried a few different tapes. All the same, ejected. Clearly my VCR has its own demons to contend with!

I tried blowing on the tape heads and pumping air onto them with a pump but to no avail. Finally I sprayed WD40 onto the heads and have left it.

In complete frustration and the opposite of what I wanted to do - spend more money - I rented the four episodes on Prime for £6 and voila,

A Carnival of Monsters!

I was back in 1972 and aged 11 again!

Even the Missus liked it, sort of.

Have you seen Carnival of Monsters?


  1. Yep, got it on dvd, I like it.

  2. Ooh, WD40 on the tape HEADS?!! Rather, I would check to see if the tape is wound too tight in the cassette. Do you know the trick of sticking a pencil into the round hole on the bottom of the tape to release it, then trying to move the spools? If it's too tight it might be tangled inside. You can carefully open the cassette and fix it.

    1. It's a VCR issue and not the tapes Baron. I have spare VCRs. Gotta get one down from the attic.

  3. I was pleased to revisit it along with other Pertwee era stories on dvds I borrowed from my son a couple of years ago. Old shows are such a soothing way to relax and gently reminisce.

    1. Very true Tone. I really enjoyed the Carnival. The Missus sort of!

  4. Drassicks---the creatures are called?

  5. Drashigs, anagram of Dish Rags!
