Saturday 16 September 2023

Roy England - the Man Behind Pendon

Roy England was an Australian living in Britain. In the early 20th Century the old English countryside, and its buildings, were fast disappearing.

Mr England sought to preserve this vanishing world in miniature. The result was the world famous Pendon Museum, in Long Wittenham, Oxfordshire.

The Museum is filled with model buildings, all scratch-built using very basic materials, but built to the highest standards. All are stunning.

This short British Pathe film from 1958 shows Mr England working on his models, and how the houses are thatched using real human hair. Also shown is the model railway layout built to show off the various buildings.

Paul Adams from New Zealand


  1. Real hair thatching! Good grief! How much did he get! Incredible layout too Paul, thanks for sharing another 50's gem! And to think rationing only ended four years earlier. Thank God for peacetime and hobbies!

  2. Magnificent modeling! Another lost art! Thanks for sharing! SFZ

  3. I came across the Pendon Museum some years back on Y'allTube and was totally taken by it - what a superb display. And it was just last week that their facebook page popped up in my feeds so now I'm following it on fb.
