Wednesday 20 September 2023


 Way back in the Autumn of 2005, after 20 years, I gladly ended my first office 'career' and took the plunge into selling old toys full time on Ebay.

I traded as Mad About Monsters. It was great fun and my office was in the attic, repleat with old dial telephone, colour TV and laptop. 

After 3 years of solid Ebaying on top of a part-time school job [ and clocking up thousands of sales, I finally closed the books and the attic door in the autumn of 2008. Mad About Monsters was sadly over.

Well, today, as part of my retirement from School, I once again opened up Harry*

I have been in the attic many times since 2008 but not with Ebay on my mind.

I have kept a gangway clear throughout though!

and tried to keep some sort of order.

Boxes are decently stacked ...

Part of my own collection has shelving up there too.

But there's too much other gear generally! leftovers from Ebaying and clutter from our house.

With a corner for our daughter's old stuff too!

And so, with a smile on my older face and sweeping aside a few dead wasps from my old Ebaying desk, I set up the 'office' once more!

The Velux view over the fields hasn't changed, which is really great.

.... but my old analogue miniature TV, as always, was just snow.

It was really exciting to get back up there and list on Ebay again, albeit no longer as Mad About Monsters and being far less serious about it than I was back then.

I'm really looking forward to listing all the old toys and games that are surplus to requirements in the attic and maybe even make room for more of my own collections stored in my bedroom!

Retirement has well and truly begun!

I'll keep you posted.


* I call the attic Harry after the tunnels in the movie The Great Escape: Tom, Dick and Harry. Tom was discovered and Harry was then opened up. Dick was never used.


  1. Well done. I love retirement! Got my stuff on display and props on the go. We have earned this!

  2. retirement is still a good five years away for me and I cant even get in the loft, its absolutely rammed! Bill

  3. Go for it, Woodsy! Put Harry in good use!

  4. Your attic looks a lot neater than The Cave! Lately, after watching the Harry Potter films for the umpteenth time, and taking a good look at the space, I've begun to think of it as my own version of The Room of Requirements. No rhyme, nor reason to the chaos, it is an entity unto itself. "If you have to ask, you'll never know. If you know, you only need to ask." Funny how I keep asking myself where things are when I get out there!

    1. I must watch the Harry films Ed! Ha ha. I like the idea of our collections rooms being entities!

  5. This is gonna be a wonderful new adventure for you! Be sure to tell us your new eBay handle, I want to see what you're offering on there!

    1. Cheers Zigg! I'm also looking forward to unboxing my VHS big box collection!
