Tuesday 12 September 2023


Paul A sent me this video showing the group The Settlers performing the Follyfoot theme song, Lightning Tree. I totally remember this theme tune, do you?

I watched Follyfoot as a kid back in the early Seventies, as did the Missus on the continent. There were lots of big collars, flared trousers, turtle necks, side burns and suede jackets typical of the time, except in this show there were lots of horses.

A sort of Magpie mashed up with Black Beauty!

I can't say it was a favourite programme of mine but it formed part of that amazing menu of interesting kids TV we enjoyed back then.

Oddly enough there's a village called Follyfoot near Leeds about half an hour from Moonbase. It looks rustic enough to be the real thing!

 Did you watch Follyfoot?


  1. I remember it being on but it wasn't my thing. I wasn't interested in horses, so, naturally, years later, I ended up with one!

    1. ha ha! That's funny! Did you have flared trousers and side burns when you got it Kev?

    2. Damn, I missed an opportunity there!

    3. As an 8 year old boy at the time it didn’t really interest me, but that theme tune is such an ear worm!

    4. I get confused with an old Czech TV show on at the time as well called the Frightening Lightening Tree or something like that. So may lightening trees!

    5. You could have been an equine heartthrob Kev!

    6. You haven't got time for that when you're looking after a horse (or when you're growing sideburns).

  2. The White Horses theme tune is better

    1. What, better than Champion the Wonder Horse? Forget it!

  3. Scott Kellogg9/12/2023 12:04 pm

    Never saw it, but it sounds like something the wife would've liked!

  4. Does anyone remember an Eastern European series that the BBC showed around Xmas/new year 84/85 set in pre revolution Russia with a super weapon called a chaos machine?

  5. That Czech TV thing your on about was The Singing Ringing Tree, unless I'm mistaken. Now that was a great show (unlike Follyfoot, which, apart from the jaunty title song, was pants !).

  6. I hated Follyfoot and Black Beauty, Champion and White Horses as a kid, there were no spaceships! The Singing Ringing Tree frightened the beejezus out of me, because of the sinister little dwarf lurking around the tree and the monster fish living in the pond. Oddly enough, I was at the Lancashire Game and Country Fair at the weekend and both the White Horses and Black Beauty themes were blasting out over the tannoy! Where's Mr Ed when you need him? Bill

    1. There was a TV ad in the 80's that sounds like that dwarf lurking round a tree Bill. It was for an alcoholic drink but I can't remember the name!

    2. Git it! The Judderman!
