Saturday, 9 September 2023

An Annual Event

The Grandson Moonbase Junior is a tough nut to crack when it comes to Thunderbirds. He's a big fan of the modern Thunderbirds are Go animated series. He's not such a fan of the puppet version, the original TV show we grew up with. I have tried to get him to watch but he got bored! 

To coax Junior into the old stuff I'm leaving vintage Thunderbirds annuals out in his room.

Not sure if this substitute will work but Brains said give it a go.

Any other ideas? 


  1. So the Tbirds TAG movie as a special event isn't a Go?
    I'd have thought the Z-X assembly sequence would be much more exciting than a dead ship floating around Pluto...

    1. Could be an idea, TAG the movie. Day of Disaster just didn't hold his attention like it did me!

    2. Add some pizzazz to the video show, Buttered Popcorn and maybe some paper IR hats like TV21 used to have as free gifts. Tou could print them out or make them from coloured Newsagents craft paper. -Maybe even in Him and His sizes so you can be "in uniform" like it's Christmas!

  2. I’ve noticed that with few exceptions, kids weaned on the modern CGI visual universe find the old-school practical effects world of Supermarionation kind of corny and slow and boring. If it were my kid, I wouldn’t push it. Let him gravitate to whatever floats his particular boat! SFZ

    1. PS: I think I might have come across as preachy in that last comment, and I didn’t mean to. It’s just that I’ve learned the hard way that something you dearly love may or may not be seen the same way by others, and from seeing kids in the art room for some years, it’s clear that youngsters “see” things differently than older folks like us. The computer age brought an entirely new visual aesthetic to culture, and the stuff we grew up with often looks terribly “primitive” to youngsters.

      (Some day let me tell you about the time I showed some silent, black and white 8mm Godzilla movies to one of my wife’s art classes as an end-of-year treat - they acted as if they were being tortured!) SFZ

  3. I'm with you Zig.
    As a child, in the early 2000s, my son didn't take to real puppets in Anderson shows, which he saw as doll like and expressionless, when there were slik CGI characters around like Shrek or Woody from Toy Story.
    As an adult, he's not interested in TV or movies pre late 80s/ early 90s and literally won't watch anything in black and white !
    I suppose it's like trying to get our generation to be excited about Victorian Magic Lantern shows.

    1. I hear you Mish, but after seeing what Team America did with doll like expressionless puppets, I'm keen to try working on something that might boost the standard range of expressions!

  4. Good luck Looey.

  5. Thanks for all the advice guys. Puppets maybe old hat but Junior certainly loves his toy Thunderbirds vehicles, TB2 being his number one! He zooms it through the air like I did back in the glory days!
