Thursday, 6 July 2023

The Years of a Clown

Here's one of my favourite things from my childhood, the clown on the TV in the back of the Dinky Lincoln Continental.

God, how I adored that little funny fella's face all lit up in the rear of that fabulous limo some 55 years ago!

I know there were other TV images but I had the clown. What a wonderful comic he was! Which image did you have?

Do you remember the clown readers?


  1. I never had the car myself, but there was one to play with/share at the Bernados home down the road, where a couple of my mates lived. And I'm pretty sure they had the clown on their rear seat TV.
    That's a toy memory I had forgotten, but Moonbase brings it all back. Cheers Woodsy.

    1. Glad I could help Mish. I was talking to my brother the other day about mates we had at a children's home.

  2. I had a couple of friends at Bernados and visited occasionally to play with them, especially at birthdays and so forth.
    I heard that one of them, my friend, Michael, had committed suicide in his late teens, after I had lost contact.
    Decades later, on the Internet, I learnt that I had been miss informed, and he was still around, at least into his 50s, and is probably still with us today.

    1. Oh, thank heavens Mish. The tinternet is good for something.

  3. Paul Adams from New Zealand7/08/2023 12:38 am

    According to Corgi 'The model comes complete with a selection of colour pictures. You slot these in one by one. The battery underneath then goes into operation...and hey presto ! The screen comes to life !'.
    The toy seems to have come with a strip of images, which could be slotted in to the underside of the model one at a time. I have never had this model, but looking at the instructions, it looks as though the battery compartment cover had to be removed before the TV screen images could be changed ? Perhaps the clown was installed at the factory, and most of the other, loose pictures just got lost over time ? They must have been tiny.

    1. A selection eh Paul. I don't remember that but I'm fixated withe clown. It was a fabulous toy. One of my faves.
