Friday, 14 July 2023

Laser Sharp!

The Galaxy Laser Team by Processed Plastics and Tim Mee Toys are a staple of space toy figures.

Most of the time we see these figures in their simple factory colours so I was pleasantly surprised to see these fully and precisely painted versions on an old auction site. The paint has brought out different characteristics, the left shooter being very Buck Rogers, the lady looking like a Star Trekker, the ape soldier now dressed like a workman and the right figure given the complete Greek warrior look!

What do you think?

Have you got any Galaxy Laser Team?


  1. I've got the boxed set (I think it's Airfix) and they're all in gray, plus some loose cartoon colored figures

    1. I think these characters are Tim Mee Toys Ed.

    2. These have been sitting out in The Cave for years. I'll have to break out the Spacemen bin and start taking a few photos. In the meantime, I'm working on my K-Line Hershey's trains and buildings for Y'allTube

  2. Whoever bothered to paint those figures did an excellent job! Painting figures is a real art, one (of many) I never mastered. SFZ

    1. They do look good Zigg. Figure painting is often shown in movies as something meditative for brilliant detectives. I've got the French detective in mind from The Day of the Jackal.
