Monday, 24 July 2023


 It's fair to say I don't watch many silent films, but one I do have in my collection of DVD's is the pioneering futuristic sci-fi film, Metropolis.

The film was made in 1927, and directed by Austrian expressionist film director, Friedrich Christian Anton Lang, better known as Fritz Lang, and based on a 1925 novel of the same name, written by Thea von Harbou.

Apart from the dystopian futuristic imagery, it is the unnamed gynoid robot in the film played by German actress, Bridget Helm, who also has the duel role as Maria, which stands out .

(In the novel, the robot is named Futura)

Here are some behind the scenes photos showing Ms. Helm while wearing the robot suit was kept cool.

(Below)The robot's creator, Rotwang, played by Rudolf Klein-Rogge has some attention to his make-up while the robot looks on.

 Bridget Helm has some make up applied

A different levels of Metropolis.
The Temple of Moloch being 'fed' with workers

A diagram of how one of the ground breaking effects was achieved.

The robot, or Maschinenmensch (Machine Person) was designed by Walter Schulze-Mittendorff.


  1. Metropolis is one of those iconic films that can never be recreated, a once-in-a-lifetime achievement in cinema. SFZ

  2. Lovely photos, and ones I hadn't seen before!

  3. Great snaps Scoop. Evocative of a lost era yet strangely modern. You can see where the idea for C3P0 came from. Are the pics from a book?
