Tuesday, 11 July 2023



I recently picked up the large plastic Vivid Thunderbird 2 in this TV ad from 1999 for two quid.

It had a few faults so I tried to iron them out with 'kitchen drawer' tech.

No front roller on the pod base - replaced. Legs bent - straightened. Dried stuff in the ribbing - cleaned out. Winch and hook - partially fixed. Sound effects - new batteries inserted and working.

Trying to repair the clockwork winch was the hardest job and I only partially succeeded. After taking part the front cockpit to expose it it was clear the string had tangled. Untangled and wound round the flywheel once more I just couldn't get the grapple hook to rise all the way up to the vehicle. The clockwork power just ran out early. It must have been overwound.

Still, all cleaned up my TB2 is ready for recon and rescues once more.

Did you have a Vivid Thunderbird 2, large or small?


  1. That TB2 looks like the second generation version - Ive got the first release one, which doesnt have a hook and is less stylised. Bill

    1. Two generations eh! Blog yours Bill.

  2. I've often thought a meat tenderizer might make for a pusher plate Orion.

  3. A beautiful fix, man! SFZ

  4. You're becoming a dab hand at toy restoration, Woodsy. Nice see see someone salvaging and repairing. Great way to collect!

  5. Thanks all. Alas a bath weathered aircraft carrier is proving to be beyond my meagre skills. I just can't get the rusty motor to restart!
