Monday, 26 June 2023

Somethings Bugging Me

Having a little time on my hands courtesy of the summer break, my thoughts turned creative and I got the urge to whip up a small model. I had a box of old wireless mice and the scroll wheels on a lot of them have tiny rubber tyres, which have always reminded me of the Project SWORD Scramble Bug.
Finding 6 identical ones was tricky, but as the Bug has two different types of tyre, I scraped together 2 central drive wheels and four for the rest. A couple of highlighter pens for the body, a few bits of scrap and I was away!

 At around 10 cm, its technically Spacex scale and even boasts a Golden Astronaut pilot! The wheels aren't free rolling, but it sits nicley on a moonscape, thanks to the flexible joints between the units.

Watch out for more Scramble Bug news very soon..


  1. Love it Bill! Inspired ! The Highlighter! I like the industrial look, ready for heavy work in the fuel rod dump. Cool.

  2. Lovely work, Wotan!
    A maker after my own heart!

  3. I love it Bill - that turned out awesome!

  4. Incredible scratchbuild! It’s like a lost SpaceX toy risen from the grave! SFZ

    1. thats what i was aiming for Rob!
