Monday, 29 May 2023


Here’s few photos of a model I made based on Gabriel, the 1917 Ford Model T, the vintage mode of transport used by Father Stanley Unwin in the seldom seen Gerry & Sylvia Anderson series, The Secret Service.

I used a1:32 scale Airfix 1912 Ford Model T which I altered to make it a little more like what was seen in the series.

I originally made it for some photos I planned to take for the Fanderson Secret Service annual, but ultimately other projects got in the way and I missed the deadline.

While I’m fond of The Secret Service, I can’t say it’s in my top five Anderson series. I’m not keen on the hybrid formula, the mix of puppets and live actors ruins my suspension of disbelief, and while the models and special effects are top notch, I don’t find it particularly exciting.

Having a Ford Model T as the ‘star’ vehicle doesn’t really help, either.

It’s well known to Anderson fans that ITC financier, Lew Grade, halted production after watching the pilot, although it’s cancellation meant a move to live action for the Anderson’s, and UFO.

Still, I’m sure it’s got it’s fans; Gerry Anderson, himself said it was his favourite of all the series he had produced!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Kev. I decided on a very simple diorama and thought the trees in the garden made a nice back drop.

  2. That is a very pretty model! I saw a couple episodes of The Secret Service, and I must agree with you - the hybrid formula didn’t work. It’s two intrinsically different worlds trying to mesh. The pure joy of the Supermarionation universe was that it was all miniatures and models and puppets and toys - nothing of the “organic” world (other than the occasional human hand, or alligator) to contaminate what was a gloriously “unreal” world. And that need for Anderson & Co. to toss in “olde” vehicles (Thunderbird 6 comes to mind), never worked for me. I can see why Lee Grade cancelled! SF_Z

    1. Yes, I have to agree with you SF. I loved the futuristic vehicles in the Anderson shows. A Model T and a Tiger Moth don't really interest me!

  3. Paul Adams from New Zealand5/29/2023 7:10 pm

    A great model. The Secret Service was shown in New Zealand, but even at the time I never thought that the mix of puppets and the real world was a good idea - they were simply too different. I do have the series on DVD, along with almost everything else Gerry Anderson ever made.

    1. Yes, seeing the long shots of actual actors, coupled with close ups of puppets really grates with me too, Paul.

  4. I just like those old cars. I ran a Call of Cthulhu game for my kid and her friends years ago at a Halloween party. I bought a few Lesney cars and we played out a car chase. It caught their attention like nothing else!

    1. I have a Stutz Bearcat kit in my stash, which will hopefully see the light of day soon, Baron.

    2. Since the box of cars is right here, I took a picture.

  5. Fab pics Scoop. The scenery is great. The background trees look real! I bet Fanderson would have liked these.

    1. Thanks Woodsy. The trees in the background worked out well. Yeah, for the Fanderson photos I'd planned to do a model newsagents shop with an advert for the annual in window. Unfortunately, I only got round to half building the shop!
