Monday, 22 May 2023


 I couldn’t resist taking a few more photos of the new Sixteen 12 Retro Swift, in more suitable surroundings.

Although the model uses the same tooling as Sixteen 12’s other more highly detailed and accurately coloured Swift, this one is designed to look like a toy, in the same vein as their other ‘Dinky toys’ inspired Retro releases. It simply imagines what a Swift might have looked like if Dinky had released one back in the day, taking into account their way- off inaccurate colours!

It’s fair to say that opinion is very much divided over this latest addition to the Sixteen 12 Retro line up.

In some ways I can understand some of it. The original Dinky Eagles, which in spite of their infamously inaccurate green and blue colours, have a genuine nostalgic appeal, which is intended to transfer to the Sixteen 12 Retro Eagles. As Dinky never did a Swift ,it obviously can’t have that same appeal!

Of course, as with most niche products, it's not cheap, and no one’s being forced to buy it. Naturally, it doesn’t stop some people from voicing their dissatisfaction in no uncertain terms on social media, with the striking paint scheme being the main the bone of contention with many.

However, I should add a fair number of others

don't mind this alternative look.

To be honest when I first saw photos of the proposed model last year, I thought the colours were too garish, but didn’t dismiss it out of hand, and over time I’ve warmed to it. It’s certainly different , and while I’ll admit, I prefer the highly detailed ‘proper’ version, I have to say if something like this had been an actual Dinky release back in the mid seventies it's more than likely I'd have bought it!

As I mentioned on a previous Retro Swift post, the model has a limited run of just 300, and some are wondering just how well it’s selling. I’m pleased to hear that it’s apparently selling very well, and remarkably all 300 are almost gone!

Like others in the Sixteen 12 Retro range, the model maintains it’s Dinky toy look with a folded cardboard display plinth and clear acetate cover.

Although the Swift actually appeared in the Space: 1999 second season episode, Brian the Brain, which originally aired in on UK TV in 1976, the box retains the year 1975 on the cover, obviously to keep it in line with the packaging design for Sixteen 12’s Retro Eagle Transporter, and Freighter, which to my mind is perfectly understandable. 



  1. Well, I love this retro toy very much, and all the moreso if humorless purists dislike it! We need more retro toys in flashy colors, not fewer! SFZ

    1. I'm pleased you think that way, SFZ . A lot of people are quick to knock things just for sake of it. Cheers.

  2. Fabulous photos Scoop - your photography is always an inspiration to me!!!

  3. Great set of new photos Scoop displaying the these fab new retro models at their best. I imagine they'll be snapped up, as its clearly a labour of love for 16 12. The packaging is superb too.

    1. Thanks Woodsy. Even though there's mixed opinions on it, I reckon they'll probably still sell out.

  4. Great shots. To me, the green is very off putting. In fact, that angle of it in the 3rd picture just makes me think of the head of one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja/Hero Turtles. We have a green head, lighter one color eyes, and a snarling mouth. Sorry for putting that image in your mind. Not really ;)

    1. Ha,ha! Thanks Lance, it's been described as lizard-like, but you're the first to go for a Ninja Turtle! ;D

    2. Meant the fifth pic but you're welcome!
