Tuesday, 16 May 2023


 Following on from my post on the 16/12 Retro Swift yesterday which went down much better than I expected,  reader Mish, was of the opinion that the tanks would look better in the original red. 

So I swopped the tanks on the normal Swift with the Retro to see the result.

I have to be honest, I reckon Mish is absolutely right, it looks pretty good. What do you other readers think?

Here's a reminder of it's intended look. 

Now, what about mixing and matching the white tanks with the original Swift?

Ignoring the Moonbase Alpha insignia, the green rings at the front certainly don't help, along with the bright yellow and red bands.  Personally, I'll stick with the original red tanks.

What do you think?


  1. Thanks for that Scoop.
    Yep, I reckon the red tanks work.
    Quite like your white tanks on the original too.

    1. Glad you raised the point, Mish.
      My initial thoughts on this model was that most would hate its look, but it's not turning out that way. It's fair to say that some do hate it, but my overall impression is most aren't actually against it.

  2. The white tanks on red give an SLS with SRBs look. All white would look near future..red and green for aliens.

    1. I can see what you mean, Anon, they do have a launch system look about them. Coincidentally, in reality, of course they were added to the actual filming prop to store the freon gas for the rocket smoke effect.
      I like your alien look analogy, too.

  3. Scott Kellogg5/17/2023 10:38 am

    From a purely aesthetic point of view, I prefer the white tanks on the red body.
    The contrasting colors not only help define the shape a bit better,
    they give it a more Modular look, which makes sense in a Space: 1999 way:

    Like they're disposable drop tanks, rather than part of the ship.

    1. Good point, Scott, yes, ignoring the green parts at the front it doesn't look too bad.
      Nice idea of having the tanks disposable, as pointed out by Anon, previously, a bit like the Space Shuttle launch boosters.

  4. The retro swift has a very froggy appearance whichever tank colour is used. If I had the money, I'd go for the original. I did buy the retro transporter and freighter because....well they are the Dinky colours we had (ok I had a white freighter back then) as kids. Making something in the Dinky colours that never existed just seems odd - again, if I had the dosh, I would've bought the retro interceptor, and the blue shado mobile if it had been produced. But this monstrosity? Never!!!

    1. That's fair enough, Anon, it's certainly not going to appeal to everyone. It is designed as a toy after all, and those who what the more accurate version have the choice. However, I've heard it's selling very well so thankfully, some like it.
