Monday, 24 April 2023

There was a time above... a time before... there were perfect things... diamond absolutes. But things fall... things on earth.

Yesterday evening  I watched my Zack Snyder's Justice League movie again, which I bought on You Tube last year for £15. Its a 4 hour marathon of DC goodness that's hard to beat, certainly far superior to its shorter namesake shown in the flicks and worth every penny.

Watching it again I can easily say that DC's Henry Cavill Superman trilogy is one of the finest set of films I've ever seen and one of my favourite superhero story arcs. Stretching right back to the supremely brilliant Man of Steel ten years ago, then to the utterly fabulous Superman v. Batman: Dawn of Justice and finally the Cavill conclusion Justice League, they are in the words of Bruce Wayne at the start of Dawn of Justice, "... perfect things! diamond absolutes"

I have many many good things to say about them, The Superman Man of Steel musical motif is simply wonderful and enhances all three movies. Ben Affleck's Batman is consistently terrific and the appearance of members of DC's wider universe like Amy Adams' gentle Lois Lane, the brilliantly-named Desaad, the mighty Darkseid himself, the axe-wielding Steppenwolf and League member Cyborg just add to the 'distinguished competition's' dark and fascinating world.

I had to look up the soldier character who boards Lex Luthor's boat towards the end of Zack Snyder's League cut and its not one I know at all, but I won't spoil it.

Another unusual character in Zack's cut is the tall lady with the sceptre stood next to Darkseid seen briefly in his lair with Desaad at his other side. Again I had no idea who she was and given that she hasn't got an important role in the movie I think I can reveal her name having looked her up, the oddly titled Granny Goodness. She is an immortal and a force to be reckoned with for sure!

One final DC character to grace the screen right at the end of Zack's cut is the Martian Manhunter and I really hope we see more of the intriguing green Leaguer in future films.

DC is more interesting than Marvel in my opinion and I will really really miss Henry Cavill's Superman and Ben Affleck's Batman. In my opinion the best yet.

What do you think readers? DC or Marvel? Cavill or Reeves? Affleck or Keaton?


  1. Got to say I adored the first two films - Man of Steel and Batman V Superman were excellent - but then the JLA movie arrived and it all went rapidly south. The first Wonderwoman film is great too, the second is appalling. The Aquaman film is ridiculous too. Even the early Green Lantern film is much better! But the Snyder Cut, brings things together in much more cohesive way. The JLA origin finally makes sense and all the weird cut scenes in the first film fit in. The first Suicide Squad film is ridiculous too along with Birds of Prey, but the second Suicide Squad is amazing! I love Starro! I watched Black Adam with extreme caution the other day and really enjoyed that too - Hawkman was brilliant. On the flipside, Marvel is playing it for laughs - Loki,She Hulk and the last two Thor films had a strong humour element, which continues in Quantumania, the set up for the next Avengers, but I felt Wakanda Forever was weak and confused. Dr Strange is always a good watch, but the Captain America series and last films were dull. Ill watch Secret Invasion but I dont hold out much hope.. and lastly Superman - Cavill Batman - Bale, Joker - Romero, Catwoman - Kravitz and Shannon for Zod! Bill

  2. I lost Zack Snyder when he had Superman kill Zod. I felt that was crossing the Rubicon and I couldn't like the character after that.

    Speaking of the Martian Manhunter, I worked on the cancelled George Miller version of Justice League which featured him, to be played by Hugh Keyes Burne (who incidentally I worked with on Riger Christian's 2084)

    I was building concept models when a blonde surfer dude stuck his head through the door. I assumed he was a US visial effects guy, but he pumped my hand and said "I'm Armie Hammer -I'm Batman!"

    Shortly after that, the whole production was canned. I still have some elements from Wonder Woman's palace in a box under my house!

    1. Fab movie memories Looey! So the Martian Manhunter nearly got a look in years back! How brill. I wonder if your Wonder Woman palace parts ever rattle when the world is in danger Looey! Ha ha
